Visiting Auschwitz is a tough day but I really think it is a must do when in Krakow. It is such an important part of World history.
If you would like to know more about visiting Auschwitz please read my blog post Krakow-Auschwitz : Everything you need to know
Mobility aids of the deceased
Nazis hold the belief that with disabilities were a burden to society and the state. In 1939 the Nazis began murdering disabled children and adults. Crutches, canes and braces are among some of the items left behind.

Zyklon Gas Canisters
Prior to gassing, the Nazis would mass shoot large number of Jewish men, woman and children.The Nazis choose Zkylon B gas due to its low cost and ease of transportation deeming it most efficient way to reach the “final solution” ie; mass murder. They killed thousands of people with this type of gas. Once inhaled the gas penetrates the lungs, causing severe pain, convulsions and, finally, a heart attack.

Photos of people unknowingly on their way to be executed
The people in this photo had just stepped off a dark and overcrowded train, unbeknownst to them they have arrived at a death camp. They were removed from the trains and faced a selection process that resulted in most of them sent immediately to their deaths and others into slave labour.

Thousands of shoes taken from the prisoners
This haunting site is all that is left of the Jewish people at Auschwitz. There was recently a fundraiser for preservation of these shoes https://www.motl.org/soultosole/.

A Typical Cell
There were male and female only cells, they were only designed for 3 people but normally held 18. The beds were sometimes lines with straw providing little warmth for the uninsulated rooms. The rooms also had rats, lice and other unwanted guests.

Block 11 – the death block
Block 11 was primarily used as the camp jail. Many people were sent here if they were suspected of camp resistance or trying to escape. The people sent here went starved and stayed in standing or dark cells. Also, the first test of zyklon b took place in the basement

The Death Wall
Thousands of people were shot at this wall, mostly Polish political prisoners and members of clandestine organisations,

Birkenhau Camp
Known as Auschwitz II, Birkenau had many different sections. There was a men’s camp, a women’s camp, and two ‘family camps’, one for Roma and Sinti, and the other for Jews brought from Theresienstadt.